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September 12 @ 5:30pm | Troy Business Community Mixer & Fundraiser

September 12, 2024 05:30 PM until September 12, 2024 08:30 PM

The Arts Center of the Capital Region has been hard at work this year building momentum and anticipation for Troy Glow, coming in November. As a part of our broader campaign of community engagement surrounding public art, we are continuing to interface directly with the local business community to build excitement and lay the groundwork for mutually beneficial partnerships. With this in mind, we are teaming up with the BID & Mean Max Brew Works for another business community mixer scheduled for September 12th at Mean Max's taproom in Downtown Troy.

The Arts Center’s public art program is at once beautifying the region and strongly encouraging cultural tourism through murals, light installations, and sculpture in our downtown areas. The first Troy Glow in 2022 included over a dozen pieces of cutting-edge light art spread across the downtown business district in the middle of the winter. For 2024, we've shifted the timing a bit, kicking off at the very beginning of the holiday shopping season in early November. This drops us right at the end of Daylight Savings Time, when dusk comes early and illuminated sidewalks and thoroughfares are a welcome relief. We anticipate an event that will attract many thousands of excited visitors and residents alike into our city's streets and alleyways and continue Troy's leadership in public art and innovation.

The Arts Center recognizes the potential for this event as a draw for new visitors and residents alike, and we hope you see the value in joining us as we build an exciting new tradition for the area. Please feel free to invite your colleagues and business associates, as we hope to reach a broad cross section of downtown's retail and hospitality owners & operators, as well as any and all other boosters. This event is in no way limited to these professionals, and we would love to see any and all potential partners join us. Please RSVP to if you would like to join!

RSVP to Greg